An essay is a work in which you represent your own opinion or a point of view. Yet, sometimes, depending on the type of the project, you need to support it with reference materials and the opinion of other authors. Below, you will find some tips on how to do it correctly.
As a rule, essays consist of three main parts, and one of them, the body, can split into several smaller paragraphs. Depending on the type of the project, these paragraphs represent different arguments and facts, one per paragraph. Of course, rendering your own point of view, you need to provide an opinion of other reliable authors who will confirm it either directly or from the opposite. The reference materials can be given in a paraphrased form, like some author in his work says that a factor has a significant influence on a process. As well, they can be given in the form of a quote, which means that you take a phrase from the original text and insert it into your own one in accordance to certain formatting rules. Let’s see how this can be done.
The mentioned formatting rules depend mainly on the academic writing style that you have chosen for your project.
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