An essay is a detailed description of a topic. These papers can be written on any topics from dowry to world war. Pollution is one of the most sensitive topics in today’s time. There are different kinds of pollution- air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and the latest light pollution. Before writing any essay, it is important to know the guidelines to write this.
Here are few tips for writing a winning essay on vehicle pollution.
Before start writing, it is very important to understand the topic. The question should be read clearly. This helps in organizing of thoughts.
Before writing the final draft a proper research should be conducted. All the facts should be collected and organized in such a way that they could be used later on.
Decide whether you want to write an argument or an informative paragraph. Don’t write in a language that is too simplistic. The paper should be impressive.
Before writing the final essay plan, the way you want to write an essay. Plan how you are going to organize all the facts that you have collected.
Write a suitable introduction. Since here our topic is on vehicle pollution we should give a brief introduction on that. We can write that how the large amount of cars are creating pollution. We can also give a statistical introduction like the following.
Ensure that the main body is divided into paragraphs, as it is easier to read. Use of words like moreover and nevertheless should be done to show how the current paragraph is connected to the precious paragraph. The thesis that was made before writing the paper should be used in different ways.
The paper must be concluded in such a way that the reader is able to paraphrase all that he has read. On the topic of vehicle pollution we can give the points that can help to control it.
After writing the essay it is essential to proof read it and edit the errors. All the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors should be corrected..
Hence, it is important to have a clear idea about what you are writing. You cannot just write the words you have to understand the meaning behind them as well. After following the above steps the draft is ready for the final submission.
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